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Singaporean violinist Gabriel Lee is a dynamic performer, educator, and entrepreneur, equally at home on baroque and modern violins. Praised for his “breathtaking intensity” and “unparalleled passion” (The Straits Times), he has performed as a soloist across the United States, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Myanmar with ensembles such as the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Red Dot Baroque, and the Baltimore Baroque Band.

A dedicated educator, Gabriel is the Managing Director of SEA Music Academy Online, teaches chamber music at YST Conservatory, and serves as violin faculty at SOTA. He also coaches the violin sections of the NUS Symphony Orchestra and the Tanjong Katong Girls’ School String Ensemble. His students have won international competitions and entered top conservatories worldwide.

Beyond performance and teaching, Gabriel is an active adjudicator and researcher, having served on competition juries and presented at international music conferences and journals. He holds two Master of Music degrees in Violin Performance and Baroque Violin Performance from the Peabody Conservatory and a Bachelor of Music (Hons) from YSTCM, where he was Valedictorian of his cohort.

新加坡小提琴家 李格标 是一位活跃于现代与巴洛克小提琴演奏、教育与艺术管理的音乐家。他的演奏被《海峡时报》誉为“令人屏息的强度”与“难以超越的激情”,并曾以独奏家身份在美国、新加坡、马来西亚和缅甸演出,与新加坡交响乐团、红点巴洛克乐团、巴尔的摩巴洛克乐团等知名乐团合作。

作为热衷教学的教育家,格标现任 SEA音乐学院在线平台 执行董事,在 杨秀桃音乐学院 教授 室内乐,并担任 新加坡艺术学校(SOTA)小提琴教师。此外,他亦指导 新加坡国立大学交响乐团 和 丹绒加东女子学校弦乐团 的小提琴声部。他的学生曾在国际比赛中获奖,并成功进入世界顶尖音乐学院深造。

除了演奏与教学,格标也是活跃的评审与学者,曾在多个国际音乐比赛担任评委,并在学术期刊与国际研讨会上发表研究。他拥有 皮博迪音乐学院小提琴演奏与巴洛克小提琴演奏双硕士学位,以及 杨秀桃音乐学院音乐学士(荣誉)学位,并曾以全班第一的成绩毕业。


Gabriel Lee

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